Preserving New Jerseys Railway Heritage since 1965

Vintage Farm Tractors

Fordson Model ‘F’
International Harvester Farmall Model ‘H’
Ford Model ‘2N’
Case Model ‘VAC-12’

The very first Farm Tractors were steam, and later kerosene-powered. These early machines symbolized the dawn of a revolution in farming, and signaled that the old way of farm life was coming to an end. The faithful farm horse was soon “put out to pasture” when the first of the newfangled tractors sputtered, coughed and kicked its way into life.

Just as the horse had been a partner in working the farm, the new tractor became almost like a part of the farm family. Farmers worked with their tractor from sunup to sundown, through rain, snow and heat. Many farmers all but invited their tractor to the table for supper.

Throughout the decades, the tractor farmed countless acres over time. There were also endless plantings, harvests, and threshing’s powered by tractors…and farmers spent many weary hours on the old cast-iron tractor seat.

Today, vintage farm tractors may be ancient and obsolete, but through the hard work of tractor restorers their unique history lives on. Seeing antique tractors in action keeps the memories of our agricultural past alive for future generations to help them understand the blood, sweat and tears that built the family farm.

Within the walls of an Amish-built Barn, the Whippany Railway Musuem houses a fine collection of vintage, American-built, gas Farm Tractors manufactured between 1923 – 1952. Young and old alike will enjoy the sight of these antique machines, which help to tell the story of how the Railroads delivered the crops that fed a Nation, to market. Currently the Museum has five wonderful examples of “Old Iron” on display…four of which are currently operational.

NOTE TO OUR VISITORS: Our Tractors are Historic Antiques. Please DO NOT Climb or Sit on them. Thank You.