Henry Ford’s “Fordson” is possibly the most famous tractor ever made. Coming from a family farm background, Ford knew firsthand the toil of farming. Ford wanted to popularize tractors by mass-producing them, just as his Model T had done for automobiles.
The Fordson persuaded thousands of small farmers to buy their first tractor, and over half-a-million of them were sold between 1917 – 1928, transforming American farming.

This tractor is the oldest one in the Museum’s collection… it was built in April 1923 and weighs 2,426 lbs. Serial No. 305616. After 5 decades of non-use and outdoor storage, it was restored to full operation in it’s 90th year by Museum volunteer Ben Beek in 2013. Its paint scheme is the original 1923 factory appearance of a light gray body, with bright red-painted steel wheels.

The Museum’s old Fordson is displayed outdoors alongside the main track, across from the ‘Snack Depot’.